heliport.core.templatetags package


heliport.core.templatetags.bootstrap_utils module

Template tags for integration with Bootstrap.

To use these include this in your template: {% load bootstrap_utils %}


Generate Bootstrap alert classes from maintenance message level.


Generate Bootstrap alert classes from Django message level.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport module

HELIPORT template tags.

To use these include this in your template: {% load heliport %}


Return the repr of something.


Determines if something is a heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.params_for(resolvable: Resolvable, **other_params)

Construct a URL query string so that resolve(request.GET) returns the original resolvable (using the heliport.core.digital_object_resolution.resolve() function) when a view handles the resulting request. You can also use other_parameters to additionally attach to the query string.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.project_url(url_pattern_name, project_id, *args, **kwargs)

Similar to Django’s url template tag. Generates a URL for the given pattern name. However, this generates a URL for the heliport.core.views.project.OpenInProjectView that redirects to the actual URL but first resets the breadcrumbs to the given project. It is expected that the given url_pattern takes the project_id as its first argument. Further arguments can be specified using more positional arguments. All keyword arguments are passed as query arguments.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.static_absolute_url(context, static_file_name: str)

Return the absolute URL for a static file.


Return the name of the type of something.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.url_query(*_, **kwargs)

Construct a URL query string from the kwargs that is url encoded.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.zip_dict(iterable, dict_or_single_value)

Same as zip_lists(), but the second parameter is a dict mapping indices to additional values. If an index is not provided in the dict, None is used as value.

heliport.core.templatetags.heliport.zip_lists(a, b)

Pythons zip function inside templates. This is very useful when you have a list of objects and need some additional computed information for each object to render it.

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