heliport.core.user_logic package



heliport.core.user_logic.remote_login module

heliport.core.user_logic.remote_login.deploy_ssh_key(login_info, username, password)

heliport.core.user_logic.user_information module

heliport.core.user_logic.user_information.get_user_information_manager(request: HttpRequest) UserInformationManager | None

Get the user information manager for the currently logged-in user.

The manager is chosen by getting the user’s auth backend from their session and using it to look up the manager class in settings.USER_INFORMATION_MANAGERS. If no auth backend is found in the session, or if, for the given backend, no manager class can be found in the settings, None is returned.


Update HELIPORT user and group when a user logs in.

This signal handler uses a user information manager to update the HeliportUser and HeliportGroup of a user instance.

Module contents

This module has functionality for working with users beyond just the HELIPORT DB.