heliport.core.views package


heliport.core.views.api module

class heliport.core.views.api.ContributionViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: ModelViewSet

Showing contributions to projects of the current user.


Return contributions to projects of the user that are not deleted.

permission_class = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <class 'heliport.core.permissions.StaffOrReadOnly'>]

alias of ContributionSerializer

class heliport.core.views.api.DeleteAllTokensView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

Custom LogoutAllView using the default authentication classes.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>]
post(request, *args, **kwargs)
class heliport.core.views.api.DigitalObjectAPI(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HeliportModelViewSet

API for all digital objects in HELIPORT.

For digital objects that are files it is also possible to download them at /api/digital-objects/complete/<digital_object_id>/download/

For digital objects that are directories it is also possible to get contents at /api/digital-objects/complete/<digital_object_id>/contents/

contents(request, pk=None)

Get files and directories in directory.


Get files and directories in directory.

directory is specified via describing parameters to allow download of subdirectories

download(request, pk=None)

Get streaming file response to download file contents.


Get streaming file response to download file contents.

The file to download is specified by request parameters. This enables downloading files not directly stored in heliport e.g. inside a directory.

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Add json-ld context to response to make this api more interoperable.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly'>]

Even without login public attributes are accessible.


This api allows access to all DigitalObjects. Permissions (read/write) are respected per attribute. # noqa: E501


DigitalObjectAPISerializer contains the code that makes this general api possible. # noqa: E501

alias of DigitalObjectAPISerializer

class heliport.core.views.api.GroupViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: ModelViewSet

Showing user groups.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <class 'heliport.core.permissions.StaffOrReadOnly'>]

alias of GroupSerializer

class heliport.core.views.api.HeliportModelViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: ModelViewSet

Base class for API ViewSets in HELIPORT for DigitalObjects.


Deleting objects by setting deleted to the current time.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <class 'heliport.core.permissions.HeliportObjectPermission'>]

Make sure user is authenticated and is allowed to access the DigitalObject

class heliport.core.views.api.LoginNamedTokenView(**kwargs)

Bases: LoginView

Customized LoginView for named HELIPORT API tokens.

get_post_response_data(request, token, instance)

Put “hash” into response for displaying token.


Get the token’s TTL.

The TTL is calculated from the “expiry” request parameter which must use the format “YYYY-MM-DD”. An empty string means the token does not expire.

class heliport.core.views.api.LogoutTokenView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

Custom LogoutView that can delete tokens other than the currently used one.

The LogoutView provided by django-rest-knox can only delete the token that is authenticating the current request, or all tokens of a user. This view however allows deletion of any single one of the user’s tokens.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>]
post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Delete token specified by “pk” parameter.

class heliport.core.views.api.MaintenanceMessageView(**kwargs)

Bases: APIView

Returns the maintenance message which can be specified in the settings.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle GET request.

renderer_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer'>, <class 'rest_framework.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer'>, <class 'heliport.core.renderers.HeliportPartialRenderer'>]
template_name = 'core/partials/maintenance_message.html'
class heliport.core.views.api.ProjectViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportModelViewSet

Showing the most general HELIPORT project properties. Request more detailed information by appending urls/ to the url Go to a specific project by appending its id/ to the url For more information on how to authenticate look in HELIPORT (user > settings).

filter_backends = [<class 'rest_framework.filters.SearchFilter'>, <class 'django_filters.rest_framework.backends.DjangoFilterBackend'>]
filterset_fields = ['group', 'owner', 'persistent_id']

Get projects of current user that are not deleted.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <class 'heliport.core.permissions.HeliportProjectPermission'>]

Make sure user is authenticated and is allowed to access the DigitalObject

search_fields = ['label', 'description', 'owner__display_name']

alias of ProjectSerializer

class heliport.core.views.api.TokenViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: ModelViewSet

Showing HELIPORT user tokens.

filter_backends = [<class 'rest_framework.filters.SearchFilter'>, <class 'django_filters.rest_framework.backends.DjangoFilterBackend'>]
filterset_fields = ['login_info_id']

Get tokens (stored in heliport as LoginInfos, not HELIPORT API tokens) of current user.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>]
search_fields = ['name']

alias of TokenSerializer

class heliport.core.views.api.UserViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: ModelViewSet

Showing HELIPORT user model.

filterset_fields = ['user_id', 'authentication_backend_id', 'display_name']
permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <class 'heliport.core.permissions.StaffOrReadOnly'>]

alias of UserSerializer

heliport.core.views.digital_objects module

class heliport.core.views.digital_objects.AsDigitalObjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Creates a heliport.core.models.DigitalObject instance given a heliport.core.digital_object_resolution.Resolvable provided as GET or POST parameters and returns it as JSON using "pk", "digital_object_id", "url" and "label". If an error occurs the JSON contains an "error" attribute.

This uses heliport.core.digital_object_interface.GeneralDigitalObject.as_digital_object`() internally.

If you set POST parameter is_helper to True the resulting digital object is marked as “helper”. This can be used when querying digital objects to not show automatically generated helpers to the user.


alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'
post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle post.

class heliport.core.views.digital_objects.DigitalObjectAutocompleteView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, View

Handles getting information for autocomplete inputs for heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Responde to GET request.

Returns json list like:

    {"label": "aa", "pk": 1},
    {"label": "xa", "pk": 55}

Excludes deleted objects and respects user rights. Maximum dumber of results is configurable in settings.py HELIPORT_CORE_AUTOCOMPLETE_COUNT

Supports the following get parameters:

  • type - Restrict autocomplete to a type. See heliport.core.utils.queries.digital_objects_by_type() for allowed values. ...?type=1&type=2 results in union of results to ...?type=1 and ...?type=2.

  • q or term - search term for label and persistent_id

  • exact - false (default): case-insensitive and allow part match; case_insensitive: case-insensitive full match; true: case-sensitive full match. psersistent_id is always matched exact

heliport.core.views.generic module

class heliport.core.views.generic.HeliportCreateAndUpdateView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, HeliportBreadcrumbsMixin, TemplateView, Generic[T]

For writing a HELIPORT view that can create and update digital objects.

This combines the functionality of heliport.core.mixins.HeliportProjectMixin and heliport.core.mixins.HeliportObjectMixin allowing to have two URLs handled by the same view instead of having a separate create and update view with potentially lots of duplicated code.

By default, the URL patterns could look something like this:


Look at project_url_kwarg, pk_url_kwarg and model for more detail.

A typical view could look like this:

class MyView(HeliportCreateAndUpdateView[MyDigitalObjectSubclass]):
    model = MyDigitalObjectSubclass
    list_url = "myapp:list"
    update_url = "myapp:update"
    template_name = "myapp/my_object_template.html"

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context["my_key"] = "my_value"
        return context

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # handle post data
        self.object.save_with_namespace("my/namespace", self.project)
        return self.get_response()

This view provides quite a few helpful properties to use:

The following auth checks are always automatically performed:

The view automatically handles when heliport.core.utils.exceptions.UserMessage instances are raised in your code.


Raise error if current user has not the right permissions.

This is automatically called during dispatch of any HTTP methods.

The following permissions are checked:

  • permission for project

  • permission for object when not None

  • object must be part of project

  • permission for the objects is not checked as it is assumed a user always is allowed to access all the objects in a project.

Permission is checked via heliport.core.permission.PermissionChecker.assert_permission() on the heliport.core.permission.PermissionChecker returned by heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.access(). If a DigitalObject subclass overwrites this method it is essential that the object is casted to the correct subclass before the permission check. This is done by calling heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.casted_or_self() during every dispatch on the DigitalObject returned by get_object() if it is not None.

context: Context

A context usable for all kinds of operations in HELIPORT. See also the documentation of heliport.core.utils.context.Context. Note that the context manager is already handled for you. This also means if you need the context after the request is handled (e.g. for streaming download) you need to make sure the context is not exited.

dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

Dispatch a HTTP request.

This is called by Django and handles the following things:


Add some useful values to the template rendering context.

The following are added:

Also, the following are added and are used by the heliport base template: project_dropdown_modules (see heliport.core.app_interaction.generate_project_dropdown()) and project_navbar_modules (see heliport.core.app_interaction.generate_project_navbar())

get_object() T | None

Get the object if pk_url_kwarg is in the URL.

Overwrite this for custom behaviour.

Note that it is not required to call heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.casted_or_self(). DigitalObject subclasses may have additional security checks, therefore this cast is critical and performed automatically when object is set.

get_project() Project

Get project based on project_url_kwarg.

Overwrite this for custom behaviour.


Get default response returned by post().

This is also used when a heliport.core.utils.exceptions.UserMessage is raised during get or post to return a response that shows the message on it.

The default behaviour is to redirect to the list_url. When error is True a redirect to the next item of the following list is returned to avoid infinite redirect loops:

  • update view

  • list view

  • heliport project graph

Note that the kwarg project_url_kwarg is automatically supplied when generating the URL from list_url.

property is_create

Whether this view is in create mode (creating a new object on POST).

This is True if pk_url_kwarg is not provided in the current URL.

Opposite of is_update.

property is_update

Whether this view is in update mode (updating an object on POST).

This is True if pk_url_kwarg is provided in the current URL.

Opposite of is_update.

list_url: str

This is required by the default implementation of get_response() to redirect back to the list after successful operation. See also HeliportObjectListView.list_url for a similar concept.


The type of heliport.core.models.DigitalObject to use in this View. This is important for what id is used as pk_url_kwarg. The default is heliport.core.models.DigitalObject which means the pk argument of the URL is the heliport.core.models.DigitalObject.digital_object_id. If you set a model class the primary key of your class is used. Note that object is always converted to the most specific class no matter this parameter.

alias of DigitalObject

object: T | None

The current digital object to update, or None if this view is not called with pk_url_kwarg in the URL.

objects: QuerySet

All digital objects of the provided model for the current project as Django query set. Deleted objects are not included.

pk_url_kwarg = 'pk'

The name of the url parameter where the digital object is taken from. See also model and get_object().

project: Project

The current HELIPORT Project. This is taken from get_project().

project_url_kwarg = 'project'

The name of the url parameter where the project pk is taken from. See also get_project().

update_url: str

This is required by the default implementation of get_response() to redirect back to the list after unsuccessful operation. See also HeliportObjectListView.update_url for a similar concept.

user: HeliportUser

The current user taken from the request.

class heliport.core.views.generic.HeliportFormView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HeliportCreateAndUpdateView[T], ModelFormMixin, ProcessFormView, Generic[T]

A thin wrapper around HeliportCreateAndUpdateView.

The purpose is to also support forms by using Django ModelFormMixin.

A typical view could look like this:

class MyView(HeliportCreateAndUpdateView[MyDigitalObjectSubclass]):
    model = MyDigitalObjectSubclass
    form_class = MyDigitalObjectSubclassForm
    list_url = "myapp:list"
    update_url = "myapp:update"
    template_name = "myapp/my_object_template.html"

You can use all the functionality of normal model form views in Django. For example fields = ["field1", "field2"] instead of form_class works.


Go to list url after successful form saving.

class heliport.core.views.generic.HeliportObjectListView

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin, HeliportBreadcrumbsMixin, TemplateView

Base view to get a simple list view of some type of Digital Objects.

No template is needed, just some simple configuration. There is still some flexibility and hence alot of configuration options. To get something quickly, coppy and paste an existing example and modify it for your needs.

This view requires to set the list_url to a registered url that points to this view.

It is usually required to set the model property to the subclass of heliport.core.models.DigitalObject that should be listed and to create two urls that point to this view which can be passed as list_url and update_url.

action_delete(obj: DigitalObject)

Implements the delete action so that the string “action_delete” can be used in actions. The default implementation sets deleted to the current time and saves the object.


Implements the edit action so that the string “action_edit” can be used in actions. The edit action is a link action that links to update_url, which points normally to this view itself.

actions = [('Edit', 'action_edit', 'link_secondary'), ('Delete', 'action_delete', 'danger')]

Actions that are available for each column. Triples of action name, method name called on the HeliportObjectListView # noqa: E501 and style information. For more control over action overwrite register_actions(). # noqa: E501 See implementation of register_actions() for definitions of style information. # noqa: E501

add_text = []

List of strings that are concatenated and put next to the add button for creating a new object. # noqa: E501 See utils.form_description.FormDescription.get_add_text() for more information. # noqa: E501

after_save_attributes = ()

List of attribute names (second value in triples of edit_fields) that should # noqa: E501 be set after obj.save() is called when creating an obj.

category = 'HELIPORT/thing'

Namespace used for handle generation

columns = [('ID', 'pk', 'small'), ('Name', 'label', 'normal')]

Columns shown in the table. Triples of column name, attribute shown in column, column size. # noqa: E501 For more control over columns overwrite register_columns(). See implementation of register_columns() for definition of column sizes

create_heading = None

Text displayed as heading over form when creating obj. See also get_create_heading(). # noqa: E501

edit_fields = [('Name', 'label', 'normal')]

Fields editable in this view. Triple of key name, attribute name ware value is stored and field style For more control over form fields overwrite register_form_columns(). See implementation of register_form_columns() for definitions of field styles. # noqa: E501

edit_tags = True

True if tags should be editable in this view


Helper function to extract the action to be dispatched from POST data.


Helper function to extract form fields out of the posted data. Data from autocomplete inputs with data separated into a label input and an hidden id input is supported.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Called by django on http get. Sets project for which the list should be shown.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Collects information like list_heading and generates table (get_table()) and form (get_form()) into context.


Return create_heading. Generate a creation heading if this is not specified. Generation is done for example based on update_heading by replacing a prefix of “Update” or “Edit” with “Add”.


Create a new instance of model.

get_form() FormDescription

Helper function for form generation. This calls register_form_columns() to populate the form description.


Return the project for which a list of objects should be shown.

get_table() TableDescription

Helper function for table generation. This calls register_columns() and register_actions() to populate the table description.


Return update_heading. Generate an update heading if this is not specified. Generation is done for example based on create_heading by replacing a prefix “Add” or “Create” with “Update”.


Returns an instance of model to be updated.

handle_action(action_name: str, target_pk: str)

Dispatches an action on a table row.


Handles creation of a new model instance. Including setting attributes.


Called by post() if a UserMessage is raised. It renders the list including the error message.


Handles updating a model instance.

info_snippet_add = None

An HTML template containing a snippet to be used to provide additional information to the “Add” section.

list_heading = 'HELIPORT Object List'

Text displayed as heading

list_url = None

Url that leads to this view for listing objects. The list_url attribute should be a string that is valid when passed to Django’s reverse() function with kwarg “project”. list_url is required by the default action_edit() implementation to link back to original page after editing.


Instances of this model are shown in the list and created/edited

alias of DigitalObject

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Set project and call the correct one of handle_update(), handle_create() or handle_action().

Called by django on http post.

register_actions(table: TableDescription)

Register the actions on a table by calling utils.table_description.TableDescription.add_action. The default implementation uses actions to get information about what actions to add. Feel free to implement register_actions in a subclass.

register_columns(table: TableDescription)

Register the columns on a table by calling utils.table_description.TableDescription.add_column. The default implementation uses columns to get information about what columns to add. Feel free to implement register_columns in a subclass.

register_form_columns(form: FormDescription)

Register the columns on a form by calling utils.form_description.FormDescription.add_column. The default implementation uses edit_fields to get information about what columns to add. Feel free to implement register_form_columns in a subclass.

set_update_attributes(obj, form_fields, obj_saved=False)

Is called by handle_create() and handle_update() after the obj is saved. The default implementation sets all attributes in after_save_attributes.

template_name = 'core/base/simple_table_view.html'

HTML templated rendered by this View


Called by Djangos UserPassesTestMixin. Make sure that user is a project member.

update_heading = None

Text displayed as heading over form when editing obj. See also get_update_heading(). # noqa: E501

update_url = None

Url that leads to this view for updating. The “update_url” string is passed to django.urls.reverse() with “project” and “pk” url arguments to get the actual url. update_url is required by the default action_edit() implementation.

heliport.core.views.images module

class heliport.core.views.images.ImageView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportObjectMixin, DetailView

View for showing heliport.core.models.Image s to use them in html.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Image pk is taken from url. This view may be cached (configured in heliport.core.urls). Called by django on http get.


alias of Image

class heliport.core.views.images.ImagesView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, TemplateView

List all heliport.core.models.Image s in a project.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Includes “images”, the list of relevant images, in context.

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handles image deletion. Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/digital_object/picture_list.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.images.TakePictureView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Handles taking pictures in HELIPORT these pictures are stored as heliport.core.models.Image.


Generate default values for storing image and include them in context. Support next get parameter to redirect to arbitrary page after image has been taken.

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Create new heliport.core.models.Image with user supplied metadata and upload image itself to file system specified by login info (selected by user).

Return redirect to image list or view specified by “next” parameter. If “next” parameter ends with “=” append pk of newly taken image. For example https://some/url?image= becomes https://some/url?imgae=13 if 13 is the newly taken image.

Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/digital_object/take_picture.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

heliport.core.views.landing_page module

class heliport.core.views.landing_page.IndexView(**kwargs: Any)

Bases: TemplateView

View for the HELIPORT front page.

The page shows some basic information about HELIPORT similarly to the about page, as well as some stats on digital objects on the instance.

The page is cached to prevent bots and scrapers from straining the database. However, since the cache is based on the client’s cookies, this mechanism is only effective for clients that do not malicously send random cookies.

create_sparkline(data: DataFrame) str

Create a sparkline for the given data and return it as an image data URL.

dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
get_context_data(**kwargs: Any) dict[str, Any]

Add digital object stats to the rendering context.

get_digital_object_sparkline(objects: Iterable[DigitalObject]) str

Return a sparkline showing the number of existing digital objects.

The number is calculated by a cumulative summation of +1 or -1 at the respective creation and deletion dates of the given digital objects

get_user_sparkline(users: Iterable[HeliportUser]) str

Return a sparkline showing the number of existing users.

The number is calculated by a cumulative summation of +1 at the respective date_joined of each given user’s auth user.

template_name = 'core/base/index.html'
time_series_to_dataframe(time_series: dict) DataFrame

Massage “time series” into dataframe.

“Time series” in this case is a dictionary mapping from timestamps to +1 / -1.

class heliport.core.views.landing_page.LandingPageView(**kwargs)

Bases: DetailView

Landing page for Digital Objects.

Landing pages are rendered in different formats using custom content negotiation.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Renderer selection based on Accept header and handling of special renderers like showing individual page with get_custom_url().

Called by django on http get.


Get relevant infos in addition to the Digital Object itself. Called by django to get context when rendering html template.

static get_custom_url(obj, request)

Get the url of a special page in heliport for showing obj. This information is defined on obj via a get_custom_url() function. For example a project is shown as the heliport project graph. (see heliport.core.models.Project.get_custom_view_url()).


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of DigitalObject

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle editing what attributes are publicly shown. Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/digital_object/landingpage.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.landing_page.ResolveDigitalObjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: RedirectView

Redirect to Digital Object landing page.

Try to resolve a given identifier to a digital object, then redirect to its landing page. If the digital object is not found, return 404.

get_redirect_url(*args, **kwargs)

Resolve the identifier and return the landing page URL.

query_string = True

heliport.core.views.project module

class heliport.core.views.project.CreateProjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Create new HELIPORT project.

Including options for specifying initial project settings and importing contents of other projects.


Called by django to get context when rendering template.

Context includes group information and list of projects of current user.

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Create project and configure settings.

If template project is selected to import digital objects from, redirect to ImportFromProjectView.

Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/project/create_project.html'

HTML template rendered by this View (page for entering initial project settings)

class heliport.core.views.project.CreateSampleProjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, View

Create sample HELIPORT project.


Create sample project in HELIPORT database.

class heliport.core.views.project.ImportFromProjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, TemplateView

Handle importing or copying digital objects from another project.


Called by django to get context when rendering template.

Include list of object that can be imported in context, including their label, types and id. Also for each object, the “default_type” (completely different meaning than “types”; one of ignore, copy, import) and “copy_disabled” (bool; not every object is copyable) is included.

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Do the importing / copying. “import_objects” is the list of all objects. E.g. for obj with pk 7 a value import-type-7 (import, copy, ignore) specifies the kind of import.

template_name = 'core/project/import_from.html'

HTML template rendered by this View


Called by django to test if user has access to this view. In addition to normal test if user has access to current project also test if user has read access to project where things should be imported from.

class heliport.core.views.project.OpenInProjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: RedirectView

This view has special handling in the heliport.core.utils.context.project_header_breadcrumbs() function to allow resetting the breadcrumbs to the project name.

get_redirect_url(*args, **kwargs)

Reset breadcrumbs and redirect to next specified by query parameter.

class heliport.core.views.project.ProjectGraphView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Handle showing the HELIPORT project graph.


Generate heliport project graph.


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

Expect url parameter “project” instead of “pk”

template_name = 'core/project/project_graph.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.project.ProjectListView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, ListView

Handle listing a users HELIPORT project.


Called by django to get context when rendering template.


Called by ListView to get the list to show. Query: projects of user that are not deleted; handle sorting; no subprojects.


Django model handled in this view - used by django ListView

alias of Project

paginate_by = 10


template_name = 'core/project/project_list.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.project.ProjectTimelineView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, TemplateView

Show a timeline of all digital objects in a project, including the project.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Query all not deleted digital objects in project ordered by creation date.

template_name = 'core/project/timeline.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.project.ProjectUpdateView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, UpdateView

Update project title, description and group.

This renders the same template as ProjectView.

fields = ['label', 'description', 'group']

Used by django UpdateView to generate input form for editing project


See ProjectView.get_context_data() for more information.


Return to ProjectView after updating and saving project.


Django model handled in this view - used by django UpdateView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

In heliport.core.urls project id is called “project” not “pk”

template_name = 'core/project/project_update.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.project.ProjectView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Show general information about a HELIPORT project (“Project Configuration”).

This includes key value pairs like the Title, description or identifiers of a project and information about project participants.

Basic project actions, like deleting the project, can be done via this view too.


Called by django to get context when rendering template.

The context includes:

  • “isOwner”, “update” to configure the template for what should be shown

  • preprocessed information about project participants

  • “groups” the list of all groups to display a select box


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

In heliport.core.urls project id is called “project” not “pk”

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Respond to POST request.

Handles one of:

  • Delete project

  • Add file system user group to project

  • Add / Remove co-owner

  • Add all members of a group as co-owners

  • Add / Delete Contribution

  • Edit contribution type (request is send to this view but ui is rendered in ProjectUpdateView)

template_name = 'core/project/project_update.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.project.SubprojectsView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Handle other HELIPORT projects that are part of the current project.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Subprojects, all projects of user and user are included in context.


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

In heliport.core.urls project id is called “project” not “pk”

post(request, **kwargs)

Add or remove a subproject.

template_name = 'core/project/subprojects.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

heliport.core.views.project.get_users_autocomplete(request, **kwargs)

View that handles user autocomplete. The query string is taken from get parameter q. Respects HELIPORT_CORE_AUTOCOMPLETE_COUNT in settings.py.

Returns json like:

    {"name": "ax", "pk": 1},
    {"name": "xyyy", "pk": 55}

heliport.core.views.search module

class heliport.core.views.search.SearchBaseView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Base view for the HELIPORT search feature. This view uses javascript to get the actual search results from each apps search view.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Includes urls of all search views.

template_name = 'core/search/search_base.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.search.SearchView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Handle searching objects in the HELIPORT core app.


Query all objects matching “q” parameter.

template_name = 'core/search/search.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

heliport.core.views.tags module

class heliport.core.views.tags.TagAutocompleteView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Handle autocompletion when specifying tags.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Partial input can be submitted via “q” or “term”. If “pk” is specified, only tags allowed for this DigitalObject are returned unless there are none.

Tags in result json are returned with “label” and “pk” ordered by least recently used.

Called by django on http get.


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

In heliport.core.urls project id is called “project” not “pk”

class heliport.core.views.tags.TagJsonView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportProjectMixin, DetailView

Handle Querying and updating tags of a digital object. This view is used in javascript of tag_manager.html.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Return list of tags including “label”, “tag_id”, “color”, “foreground”, … for a given DigitalObject in the context of the project.

Called by django on http get.

static get_all_tags(digital_object, project)

Get direct (has_tag property) and indirect (There exists a tag with predicate-object-combination also found in attributes of digital_object in project) Tags. Tags are returned as dict of “label”, “tag_id”, “attribute”, “value”, “requires_type”, “color”, “foreground”.


Get the project that contains the tags and the digital object that is tagged. object_pk is used to get the digital object. It is checked that the digital object is part of the project or is itself the project as auth check.


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of Project

pk_url_kwarg = 'project'

In heliport.core.urls project id is called “project” not “pk”

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Adds (or removes when "delete" is set to a truthy value) a tag on a digital object specified by "pk". If "check_type" is set to a truthy value the tag is only set when digital object has the correct type for tag. The tag can be explicitly specified by "tag" or created from "label", "attribute_pk" and "value_pk". "attribute_label" and "value_label" are also allowed and their information is combined with attribute_pk and value_pk using heliport.core.models.digital_object_form_label_and_pk().


Same as get()

Called by django on http post.

class heliport.core.views.tags.TagsView

Bases: HeliportObjectListView

actions = [('Edit', 'action_edit', 'link_secondary'), ('Delete', 'action_delete', 'danger')]

Actions that are available for each column. Triples of action name, method name called on the HeliportObjectListView # noqa: E501 and style information. For more control over action overwrite register_actions(). # noqa: E501 See implementation of register_actions() for definitions of style information. # noqa: E501

category = 'HELIPORT/tag'

Namespace used for handle generation

columns = [('ID', 'tag_id', 'small'), ('Label', 'label', 'small'), ('Property', 'attribute', 'normal'), ('Value', 'value', 'normal'), ('Used on', 'requires_type_display', 'small')]

Columns shown in the table. Triples of column name, attribute shown in column, column size. # noqa: E501 For more control over columns overwrite register_columns(). See implementation of register_columns() for definition of column sizes

create_heading = 'Add a Tag'

Text displayed as heading over form when creating obj. See also get_create_heading(). # noqa: E501

edit_tags = True

True if tags should be editable in this view

list_heading = 'Tags'

Text displayed as heading

list_url = 'core:tag_list'

Url that leads to this view for listing objects. The list_url attribute should be a string that is valid when passed to Django’s reverse() function with kwarg “project”. list_url is required by the default action_edit() implementation to link back to original page after editing.


Specify that this View shows lists of class heliport.core.models.Tag.

alias of Tag

register_form_columns(form: FormDescription)

Register custom form columns. Called by heliport.core.custom_views.HeliportObjectListView.get_table().

set_update_attributes(obj, form_fields, obj_saved=False)

Custom implementation of setting attributes.

update_url = 'core:tag_update'

Url that leads to this view for updating. The “update_url” string is passed to django.urls.reverse() with “project” and “pk” url arguments to get the actual url. update_url is required by the default action_edit() implementation.

heliport.core.views.user module

class heliport.core.views.user.LoginInfoUpdateView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView

Handle editing/showing login details, of other web services, in HELIPORT so that HELIPORT can make requests on behalf of the user. There exists a very similar view for creation/showing such login details: LoginInfoView.

dispatch(request: HttpRequest, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) HttpResponse

Don’t allow users to edit a connected or someone else’s LoginInfo.

fields = ['name', 'type', 'username', 'key', 'machine', 'via', 'slurm']

Used by django UpdateView to generate input form for editing login infos


Assert that heliport.core.models.LoginInfo belongs to current user and set password. See LoginInfoView.form_valid() for more details.


Called by django to get context when rendering template.


Redirect to LoginInfoView after updating login info.


Django model handled in this view - used by django UpdateView

alias of LoginInfo

template_name = 'core/user/login_infos.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.user.LoginInfoView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, CreateView

Handle creating/showing login details of other web services in HELIPORT so that HELIPORT can make requests on behalf of the user. There exists a very similar view for editing/showing such login details: LoginInfoUpdateView.

fields = ['name', 'type', 'username', 'key', 'machine', 'via', 'slurm']

Used by django CreateView to generate input form for creating new login infos


Validate form.

Called by django CreateView after form has been deemed valid. Set additional attributes before saving LoginInfo:

  • user - current heliport user added automatically (not from input form)

  • password - password field can not be generated automatically in form because password is a python property and not a django model field


Called by django to get context when rendering template.


Called by django to get url to redirect to after successful heliport.core.models.LoginInfo creation.


URL of this view itself.


Django model handled in this view - used by django CreateView

alias of LoginInfo

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle deletion of login infos here and creation in superclass CreateView. Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/user/login_infos.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.user.RemoteServerLoginView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, DetailView

Show username and password prompt for an SSH login and put public SSH key in allowed hosts on the server specified in the SSH login (heliport.core.models.LoginInfo) while private key is stored encrypted in the HELIPORT database. When the key of an SSH LoginInfo is on the remote server we say it is “connected”.

The corresponding view for logout is the RemoteServerLogoutView.


Called by django to get context when rendering template. In addition to the LoginInfo (automatically included by DetailView) include error message in context.


Django model handled in this view - used by django DetailView

alias of LoginInfo

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Connect LoginInfo. Called by django on http post.

As a side effect the username is stored in the LoginInfo. This removes the need to enter the username twice (when creating the login info and when connecting the login info). The username is used e.g. for searching login infos.

template_name = 'core/user/remote_server_login.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

static validate_login(login, request)

Check if SSH heliport.core.models.LoginInfo can be connected. This is the case if the login info belongs to the user and all necessary SSH indirections are connected.

class heliport.core.views.user.RemoteServerLogoutView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, View

Handle removing SSH key from external server. For more details see RemoteServerLoginView. This view does not render a template. The key is deleted without any questions asked and the user is redirected to LoginInfoView.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Disconnect SSH heliport.core.models.LoginInfo. Called by django on http get.

class heliport.core.views.user.TokenListView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Display the user’s API tokens.


Update the rendering context with token data.

template_name = 'core/user/tokens.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

class heliport.core.views.user.UserProfileView(**kwargs)

Bases: HeliportLoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView

Handle showing and editing settings of a HELIPORT user. (most information is read only).


Called by django to get context when rendering template. Context includes the user and information for HELIPORT API token creation form (like the current time).

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Set orcid for user. Called by django on http post.

template_name = 'core/user/profile.html'

HTML template rendered by this View

Module contents

This module contains Django class based views to handle incoming http requests. Each View is mapped to a URL in heliport.core.urls.

Each django app can have its own views. This module contains views for all main heliport functionality.