HELIPORT Repository Public

by Martin Voigt on February 23, 2023

Screenshot of GitLab

We are excited to announce that the main HELIPORT GitLab repository is now publically available! This means that our project is open to the community, and we welcome contributions from everyone. Whether you are a developer, UI-designer, a potential user or simply interested in our project, there are many ways to contribute. You can suggest enhancements or submit bug reports by opening a new issue or even contribute code by creating a merge request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

HELIPORT 0.5.0 Released ๐ŸŽ‰

by David Pape on November 24, 2022

Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

Today, we released HELIPORT 0.5.0. ๐Ÿฅณ This new release brings some major restructuring in the HELIPORT codebase and infrastructure. We focussed heavily on automation in CI/CD to bring you more frequent smaller changes and high quality code in the future.

HELIPORT and HERMES at the Virtual HMC Conference

by David Pape on October 3, 2022

Photo by HMC

This week, on the 5th and 6th of October, we have the chance to present our HELIPORT ๐Ÿš and HERMES ๐Ÿ›ซ posters at the virtual conference of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) who are kindly funding these projects. We are looking forward to sharing our latest project developments and networking with the other HMC projects!

HELIPORT and HERMES at MT-DMA in Hamburg

by Oliver Knodel on September 26, 2022

Photo by Oliver Knodel

Our third presentation of the new HELIPORT ๐Ÿš poster takes place in Hamburg at the 8th Annual "Matter and Technologies" Meeting at DESY. Today we have the other HMC project we are involved in next to our poster: Automated FAIR4RS software publication with HERMES ๐Ÿ›ซ.

HELIPORT Poster at SaxFDM in Leipzig

by Oliver Knodel on September 22, 2022

Photo by David Pape

Our second presentation of the new HELIPORT ๐Ÿš poster takes place in Leipzig at the "3. Saฬˆchsische FDM-Tagung" with the topic "Forschungsdatenmanagement im Spannungsfeld zwischen Idealen, Anforderungen und Praxis" - a perfect topic and event for our project.